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New Leader Guidebook
Welcome to Girl Scouts—we’re so glad you’ve joined us and we’re thrilled you’re embarking on this fun and exciting journey! You are integral to building the next generation of strong, confident girls and we want to make sure we’re here for you every step of the way!
In this digital “guidebook”, you’ll find an introduction to the world of Girl Scouts—from setting up your troop, to hosting meetings, to preparing for all of the different kinds of adventures you’ll take together (and some nitty-gritty procedure tips along the way). There’s no way to cover everything you might need to know your first year in the following pages, but have heart in knowing that there is no “right” or “wrong” way to lead your troop! Spend quality time with the girls. Guide them, keep them safe, and have some fun. The rest will fall into place over time.
You’ll learn lots more about your Girl Scout resources and contacts throughout this guide, but always remember that support is just a call, click, or email away! Give us a call at 800-342-8389, visit us at girlscoutsiowa.org, or email us at info@gsiowa.org. We always love hearing from you!
This section outlines the structure of the organization and the basic foundations of our mission.
Girl Scout Structure
Girl Scout Levels
What it means to be a Girl Scout
This section outlines the structure of the organization and the basic foundations of our mission
Ways to Volunteer
Where to Start
Volunteer Toolkit
Leading Multi-Level Troops
Keep it Girl Led
This section highlights everything to do with being Girl Scout: the fine details.
Girl Scout Traditions
Mission, Promise and Law
What Girl Scouts Can Do
Badge and Journey Information
This section provides troop leaders with information about programs we offer, what’s next for troop leaders, and includes any forms and documents that they may need.
What's Next As a Troop Leader
Product Programs
Girl Scout Camp
Wrapping Up Your Year
Take Action Projects
Reflection and Planning
Forms and Documents