Pre-Season Resources

Cookie Inventory

Your cookie inventory includes:

  • Cookies ordered for members of the troop: Whether they have taken orders, or they’re planning on selling cookies on hand— once cookies are signed for by a parent/guardian, they become the family’s responsibility. 

  • Booth cookies: The troop must order and bring cookies to troop booth sales. Any leftover cookies from the booth sale remain in your troop’s inventory, and can be used to fill orders from troop members or saved for the next booth. 

Five steps to manage your cookie inventory to zero:

How to set yourself up for success from the beginning, throughout the program, and at the end!

  • Before cookie sales start, ask parents/guardians to estimate how many cookies they’d like to order for the troop’s Initial Order using the Girl Initial Cookie Order Form. Combine this with an estimate of what you expect you'll need for your first few booths, use the Initial Order Estimator Tool if you're unsure about what to place for your troop initial order. 

  • Create a simple system (like a Google form) for parents to request more cookies, avoiding the need to manage multiple communication channels. Set clear deadlines for submitting orders based on your troop's order schedule and when planned orders are due. 

  • Keep all cookie-related forms, receipts, and payment records organized. Use a Cookie Tracker or receipts (print your own or use the books in your cookie materials shipment) to track planned orders, exchanges, and ensure everything is accounted for throughout the season. 

  • Keep parents informed about their orders, deliveries, and payments. Encourage families to submit payments for cookies as they receive them, rather than all at once at the end. Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa (GSGI) recommends that troops do not take returns from families, as that limits your ability to manage your troop inventory down to zero, though the goal is that neither the troop nor the individual family gets “stuck” with cookies. 

  • Plan a booth – or several – in the final week of the program. For orders placed on March 16, (picked up by March 21), troops can return any cookies leftover, in any varieties, at select cupboards on March 25. This means you can ensure you have enough cookies for a successful booth, and allows you the flexibility to return leftovers. 

  • Don’t forget that if your troop collected any donations from customers who didn’t want to take cookies home with them, troops may choose to apply donations received to cover the cost of cookies remaining in your troop inventory. Then, the troop can choose local charities to receive the cookies, and girls can make the deliveries! If you do not donate from your troop inventory, donations should be tracked as Virtual Cookie Share and GSGI will donate cookies on your troops behalf. 

More tips on cookie inventory management:

  • Many troops like to use order forms to help manage their inventory. If you’re looking to build a Google form, or just give some structure for family orders, check out the sample forms (created by troop leaders!) linked above. 

    The Girl Initial Cookie Order Form is an option that a leader created for the first order from parents/guardians, with some suggestions to get started. The Troop Cookie Request Sheet is a sample form for ongoing Planned Orders. The Cookie Tracker can be used in place of individual receipts throughout the program.

    Feel free to use these forms as-is, or customize the options (like transforming them to a digital form) to work for your troop! 

    It’s easy to add a disclaimer, like this one, to your form: 

    Please check the box below to acknowledge that you understand you will be responsible for turning in money for all cookies ordered by the end of the program. You cannot return cookies that you order, but we can work with you to exchange for difference varieties. (It is required to select this box to move on.)*

    __ I understand that these cookies cannot be returned.

    Note: Google forms are a separate (free) service, not supported by GSGI. There are many quick online tutorials showing you how to create a form and view responses in a spreadsheet. For some leaders, this is a helpful tool that saves time and keeps the process streamlined, but if that is not your cup of tea, you can definitely use emails or another communication method that works better. 

  • "I had parents/guardians give me in writing what cookies they need (either in paper/pen or email I print. No texts!), and attached orders to each girl’s permission form. 

    I had a hard deadline of Friday night so I could order by Saturday night. I did this weekly. When I sat down to order, I went girl by girl. It worked for me!" – Patty B. 

    "If a parent tries to text me something like adding three cookie packages to their order, I will refer them back to our troop Google order form link, so that it’s time stamped and on my spreadsheet. The form is mobile-friendly and they can fill it out as many times as they want each week. Every Sunday morning I just sum all of the columns and get my total order for the cupboard that week." – Beth S. 

    "Set clear boundaries. My parents/guardians know cookie orders are due via text or email every other Sunday by 5 p.m., giving me plenty of time to enter it. I do cookie pick up and money turn in that following Thursday from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Those are the set times established with a newsletter at the beginning of the sale. I have learned it’s okay to ignore texts or messages that are during your family time, family comes first." – Christy C. 

    "I have our family cookie meeting during the last 15 minutes of the girl’s regular meeting. The girls attend too, so they hear the same thing. The girls usually keep their parents/guardians on track because they want to get their rewards! I make a big deal about it for the girls - talking about safety in selling, do’s and don’ts, money, keeping track of inventory, re-order rules, parent responsibility and deadlines. I stress the importance of girls doing the selling, not parents/guardians. It is a learning experience for them." – Chelle B. 

    "When families pick up cookies, I have them initial each order as we both go through every amount and variety on a sheet I printed with their orders amounts. After we go through all the cookies, I put the amounts into the receipt book, have them sign, and give them the copy. I staple the receipts to index cards and place them in an index card holder, and I keep all the initialed order forms in a binder. 

    I also transfer all orders into Smart Cookies. With this strategy, it makes it impossible for any issues or discrepancies to come back later." – Christina S. 

Mega Drop Initial Order Pickup Frequently Asked Questions

  • If the service unit your troop resides in is listed below, you will pick up your Initial Order at your local Mega Drop. You will receive an email with your time slot details by January 21. Please email us at if you don’t receive your timeslot by January 21. 

    Des Moines Mega Drop:

    • SU 608

    • SU 637

    • SU 638

    • SU644

    • SU 645

    • SU 646

    • SU 647

    • SU 648

    • SU 650

    • SU 657

    Sioux City Mega Drop

    • SU 301

    • SU 303

    • SU 306

    • SU 307

    • SU 314

    • SU 318

    • SU 322

    • SU 329

    • SU 330

    • SU 332

  • Yes. When you place your Initial Order in Smart Cookies, you will be able to pick whether you want to pick up with your service unit’s delivery or a Mega Drop location. You must choose where you want to pick up before you place your Initial Order. After the Initial Order is submitted, you will not be able to change it

  • Yes. For troops with larger orders, this may require multiple vehicles. We suggest you let the parents/guardians know the date and time for pick up now so that you can arrange for help that day.

  • If you, as the Troop Product Manager (TPM), are unavailable, you can have other troop volunteers and parents/ guardians pick up your order – just make sure to have someone as the designated pickup person. In order to avoid large wait times, we request that all troops stick within their assigned pickup time. If you have extenuating circumstances, please contact us at

  • If you are concerned about the Initial Order being too large, consider making it smaller and then placing a Planned Order for more cookies. Check out the graphic below to see how many cases of cookies will fit in different types of cars! 

    Note: We are opening the Super Cupboards early so you can get additional cookies at the cupboard starting Friday, February 7 - just in time for booth sales! 

  • Due to tight schedules, the pickup event will happen rain (snow) or shine. There may be some alterations to the day based on weather. If it is determined that the weather is just too severe, we will notify the TPMs and Service Unit Product Chairs (SUPCs) via email and/or phone call. 

  • Yes! We would love your help. We need about 12 volunteers every hour for Des Moines, and six every hour for Sioux City to assist troops in getting their cookies. Sign up today for the Des Moines Mega Drop or at the Sioux City Mega Drop! Questions? You can email us at Older Girl Scouts (14+) can help, too! 

Coordinating Booths

Setting up booths

  • BEGINNING JANUARY 1 - Line up booth sale locations  

    • Troop-Secured Booths: Troop volunteers or parents/guardians can start arranging Troop-Secured Booths January 1 by contacting local businesses or organizations to get permission to set up a booth sale. Be sure to ask about capacity limits or any special requirements in place at the business or organization. Not sure if the location is already a Council-Secured Booth? Check out the Do Not Contact List for a full list of Council-Secured Booth locations for the 2025 Girl Scout Cookie Program, as well as locations that have contacted GSGI to opt-out of being a booth location for this season. 

    • We ask that TPMs enter Troop-Secured Booths into Smart Cookies, which will then allow your booth information to be shared through the Cookie Finder site for customers to find you! GSGI staff will be monitoring booth requests in Smart Cookies regularly to help check that a location has not been double booked. Please verify location addresses, as this is how locations are compared to ensure there are no double bookings. 

    • NEW THIS YEAR! All Walmart booths need to be entered into Smart Cookies to ensure we do not have any double bookings related to their new system. 

Booth Requests: Sample template for phone call, in person, or emailed requests

Consider using this sample wording when reaching out to businesses about scheduling a booth sale. Be sure to ask if they have any specific guidelines for their location, like where you can set up your booth, and coordinate details like whether you need to bring a table, or if one will be available to you.  

  • Hello! 

    I am reaching out to see if you will allow a Girl Scout Cookie booth sale at your location. 

    If you allow it, we will set up a table with a small group of Girl Scouts, supervised by adult volunteers, to sell Girl Scout cookies to your customers. 

    We are hoping to schedule a booth on DATE______ (booth sales run from February 7 – March 23) from TIME_ to TIME_.  

    Girls being able to sell in their local communities through booth sales is a huge aspect of the Girl Scout Cookie Program. 

    Supporting the Girl Scout Cookie Program helps to build girls of courage, confidence, and character, and all proceeds from the cookie program stay within the local community!  

    Thank you for your consideration! 

Understanding the booth lottery 

  • REGISTER BY JANUARY 3 - Booth lottery for Council-Secured locations 

  • Council-Secured Booths: GSGI books several large-scale venues for booth sales and pays any fees associated with the space. Any troop can sign up for these booths in Smart Cookies in one of the following ways:  

    • Booth Lottery: Registration available through 11:59 p.m. on January 3. Troops sign up for five potential time slots, and Smart Cookies randomly selects a troop for each slot. The lottery will be held on January 4.  

      • Troops who use the lottery are not guaranteed a spot but may be awarded up to three, only one of which can be a Premium location. (See below for more on Premium Council-Secured Booths.)  

    • First Come, First Serve: Available January 5 - March 23. Time slots that are left over from the lottery—or locations that are added after the lottery runs, are open to all troops (and Juliettes who partner with another troop or Juliette) on a first come, first served basis through Smart Cookies.  

      • Through January 22 at 11:59 p.m., troops can sign up for a limit of five time slots, two of which can be Premium. 

      • Beginning February 23 at 10:00 a.m. troops can sign up for another five booths, two of which can be Premium. 

      • Starting at 10:00 a.m. on February 7, all limitations are removed and troops can sign up for as many additional booths as they’d like. All First Come, First Serve opportunities open at 10 a.m. for each date listed. At this time, all open booths will also become available for individual Girl Scouts to utilize as lemonade stands.  

      • To give all troops an equal chance to sell at highly requested Council-Secured Booths, we have designated some locations as “Premium.” These booths will be indicated with a ‘P’ to the right. Premium locations have additional restrictions on the number of time slots a troop can win in the lottery or pick up in First Come, First Serve. 

For full details on cookie booths, check out the Booth Resources page (coming soon).  

Planning your troop information meeting

Share the excitement of the Girl Scout Cookie Program with every family in your troop! Understanding the benefits of selling—to both individual Girl Scouts and their troops—is important for driving engagement. (Did you know? Girl Scouts can earn their first patch by selling just 12 packages of cookies!) We encourage all troops and Service Units to host kickoff events to celebrate the 2025 cookie program. Don’t know where to start? That’s okay! We’ll give you all the tools you need to prepare for a successful cookie program.  

First, download the 2025 Cookie Program Family Welcome Letter. This is a customizable document where you can insert troop-specific information. Print copies for your troop families and use this letter as a script to introduce the cookie program to parents/guardians or simply email it directly to them.  

For Girl Scouts, don’t worry so much about dates and deadlines, but focus on what they’ll do, why they’re doing it, and the rewards they can earn for themselves and the whole troop. We’ve put together the following resources to help you:


Create participant packets of each item listed below. Make sure the Product Program and Troop Activities Year-Round Permission Forms are on top so parents/guardians can fill those out and return them right away. If you have a signed form from this year’s Fall Product Program, you do not need to collect another one.  


  • 1 per troop 

    • 2025 Cookie Kickoff Video (Access to internet and YouTube needed)  

    • Full and partial sets of Instant Reward items  

  • 1 per Girl Scout

    • Product Program and Troop Activities Year-Round Permission Form  

    • 2025 Cookie Program Family Welcome Letter (customized with your troop's information) 

    • Order Card  

    • Reward Panel  

    • Groovy necklace  (Girl Scouts earn this by filling out their Product Program Permission Form!)

  • NOTE: Showcase (but don’t hand out) the Adventure Awaits Necklace Charm Collection. Those are handed out later once Girl Scouts have reached the required sales levels. More details about our Instant Reward program can be found here.  

Suggested agenda: 

  • SAY: Welcome to our Cookie Rally meeting! I’m so excited to get started. I know you’re all excited to get your hands on some delicious cookies but did you know this is more than just “selling cookies”? When Girl Scouts run their cookie business they’re not only earning awesome rewards and funds to help our troop go on adventures—they’re learning how to build relationships, make decisions, and achieve goals! 

    • Start your meeting by introducing the cookie program to the Girl Scouts with the 2025 Cookie Kickoff Video.  

    • Hand out materials. Once the video is over, pass out the packets you put together with the Permission Forms on top to each parent/guardian. Distribute a chain to each Girl Scout when they turn their completed Product Program Permission Form in to you!  

    • Refer to the video and share that as they take cookies and sell them, they will earn the Jumbo Charms!  

    • Encourage Girl Scouts to invite a friend to join Girl Scouts! If your troop is full, no worries! The GSGI team will work with new members who are looking for a troop!  

    • When you are finished kicking things off with the troop members, be sure to have an activity ready for them to do while you’re talking to their parents/guardians. (You may need some extra help for this meeting!)  

    • Be sure they know the guidelines for their Girl Scout to participate:  

    • Each participant must be registered for the 2024-2025 Girl Scout membership year.  

    • They must turn in the Product Program and Troop Activities Year-Round Permission Form. (They may have already done this in the Fall Product Program.)  

    • Participation is limited for families with any unpaid funds to GSGI. In these cases, Girl Scouts can participate in booths or sell online through Smart Cookies only. If this applies to a participant in your troop, we will notify you before the program begins. Check out the Money Matters section for more details on how they can participate. 

    • Outline your troop ordering deadlines for the program, and other expectations for the troop. Let them know how you’d like people to communicate with you, and when you’ll be available for additional orders!  

    • While Girl Scouts cannot begin selling cookies until February 1, you may ask parents to estimate how many cookies they’d like to commit to for the Troop Initial Order. This will help you better estimate your Troop Initial Order and set up the troop for success!  

    • Introduce them to Digital Cookie! They can use their smartphones to open the platform and see how to set up their site! They will need to access it via their phone internet browser and one their site is launched, they will be able to download and access the phone app to accept payments easily from their in-person customers. 

    • Have a plan. Make a customer list, schedule time for door-to-door and booth sales and fine-tune your marketing pitch.  

    • Identify potential obstacles and adjust the plan. If another Girl Scout beats you to a sale or books the booth spot you were eyeing, think about other options. Those who hustle reach their goals! 

    • Adapt and problem-solve.  

    • If bad weather arises, there’s a mix-up with a booth location, or a customer order falls through, regroup, and go with the flow. You’ll be set up for success in the cookie program and beyond! 

Statement for early cookie program sales

Provided here is a sample message you may share to a family in the Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa (GSGI) area in the case you spot a post or come across a cookie program order form circulating before the official GSGI cookie program start date of February 1, 2025.

  • Hello!

    It looks like you are excited about Girl Scout Cookie Season, and we are too! We noticed you were collecting orders for Girl Scout Cookies before the official start of the Girl Scout Cookie Program at Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa—February 1, 2025. Being a sister to every Girl Scout, I wanted to reach out and ask that you refrain from taking pre-orders before the official start date.

    Just to provide all the information—Girl Scout Cookie Programs begin at various times depending on which council the Girl Scout is registered in across the country. Because of this, you may see posts from friends and family from other councils selling cookies before our Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa start date.

    At Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa (which includes 67 counties in Iowa, two counties in South Dakota, and one county in Nebraska), the Girl Scout Cookie Program officially kicks off on February 1, 2025. Troops can place an early cookie order, so a Girl Scout family may have been asked about how many cookies they plan to sell. This early order allows a Girl Scout to have cookies on hand to sell right away on opening day, beginning February 1!

    As a fellow Girl Scout, I understand your excitement about promoting your Girl Scout’s cookie program! As we have personally seen, there will be plenty of opportunities to sell cookies after February 1. Being such a fun fundraising program that so many look forward to, customers seek YOU out knowing you have a Girl Scout selling those delicious cookies.

    With millions of households in Iowa, the number one reason people say they do not buy Girl Scout Cookies is because they were not asked. Having the February 1 start date allows each Girl Scout selling to have an equal opportunity to reach out and make those asks and reach their goals.

    Thank you for waiting until February 1 to begin taking orders. If you have any questions about how the program works, feel free to contact